A picture of a pine tree
In our village there’s a path where we have a birch tree which I like very much. I’m not sure why WordPress makes this picture with a yellow cast as either the original print and the scan do not look like this, but who will understand WordPress? 😀 The analogue print… …has this advantage versus absolutely any digital picture or print scan, that is has its weight, surface feeling and the obvious perception of the quality. This picture is a good example of all those things. I have printed it on Ilford Warmtone paper using a Kodak Dektol. In fact Dektol has this special thing in it that almost no developers can reproduce. Personally, I’m using D-72 which I make myself. This is almost the same developer as Dektol (if not the same, but sold without marketing name – ‘DEKTOL’!). It is getting harder and harder to hold of hydroquinone even if you’re a professional photographer as almost all chemical companies are so cautions these days, and they don’t want to deliver chemicals to the residential addresses, even if you’re running a business at home – online etc. it doesn’t matter. Ohhh…. btw. If you know where I can purchase […]
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A reflection in a puddle of a college building in Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
A reflection in a puddle… On a misty morning, I ventured into the historic streets of Cambridge in pursuit of photographic challenges. The atmospheric fog lent an ethereal quality to the surroundings, providing the ideal conditions for my artistic exploration. The quest for optimal lighting had been ongoing, and on this particular occasion, serendipity favored my lens. Cambridge, steeped in charm and historical significance, served as a picturesque backdrop for my photographic endeavors. The interplay of light and shadow, enhanced by the subtle embrace of fog, created a visual tapestry reminiscent of a dreamlike state. Armed with my camera, I embarked on a deliberate mission to encapsulate those ephemeral moments when the elements harmoniously aligned. As I traversed the cobblestone streets, each frame captured reflected the meticulous orchestration of natural lighting. Nature seemed to assume the role of a personal lighting director, casting shadows and highlights with an almost poetic precision. The beauty of the scene left me in awe as I endeavored to freeze these fleeting moments in time. In the aftermath of this photographic odyssey, I am pleased to present a collection of fine art black and white photographs available for acquisition. These compositions transcend mere visual representation; […]
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Master Darkroom Printer - Roy Snell
adrian ensor Master darkroom printer and fine art photographer
This is portrait of my Friend – Adrian Ensor, darkroom master printer and fine art photographer, 2019. Adrian used this picture in his latest book ‘Adrian Ensor en los Senderos de Federico Garcia‘ I remember that day when we met in Adrian’s house, office and darkroom. I was trying to do my best. I think Adrian was not used to being photographed – he usually was on the other side of the lens! I like the result. I’ve used only 2 rolls of film for this session as atmosphere was great and I knew that I had it! A darkroom… Some time ago I wrote a post about building my new darkroom. It turned out that Adrian has gifted me the whole darkroom and not only, as a few days later he called me again, and now I have a professional lightbox of a size of a ….single bed! 🙂 You can see more of Adrian’s work on his website. Here you can watch Adrian’s work for Tate!
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